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Interpreting spacetimes of any dimension using geodesic deviation 






Jin PodolskjEI and Robert SvarcQ 
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, 
Charles University in Prague, V Holesovickdch 2, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic 

(Dated: January 30, 2012) 

We present a general method which can be used for geometrical and physical interpretation of an 
arbitrary spacetime in four or any higher number of dimensions. It is based on the systematic analysis 
of relative motion of free test particles. We demonstrate that local effect of the gravitational field on 
particles, as described by equation of geodesic deviation with respect to a natural orthonormal frame, 
can always be decomposed into a canonical set of transverse, longitudinal and Newton-Coulomb- 
type components, isotropic influence of a cosmological constant, and contributions arising from 
specific matter content of the universe. In particular, exact gravitational waves in Einstein's theory 
always exhibit themselves via purely transverse effects with D(D — 3)/2 independent polarization 
states. To illustrate the utility of this approach we study the family of pp-wave spacetimes in 
higher dimensions and discuss specific measurable effects on a detector located in four spacetime 
dimensions. For example, the corresponding deformations caused by a generic higher-dimensional 
gravitational waves observed in such physical subspace, need not be tracefree. 

PACS numbers: 04.50.-h, 04.20.Jb, 04.30.-w, 04.30. Nk, 04.40.Nr, 98.80.Jk 


u '. 







In the last decade there has been a growing inter- 
est in exact spacetimes within the context of higher- 
dimensional General Relativity, primarily motivated by 
finding particular models for string theories, AdS/CFT 
correspondence and brane-world cosmology. Such in- 
vestigations thus concentrated mainly on various types 
of black holes and black rings, see [U-IH for reviews 
and further references. More general static or station- 
ary axisymmetric | 9 | 4l5ll . multi-black hole Majumdar- 
Papapetrou-type [16l423l | , and static solutions with cylin- 
drical/toroidal symmetry (2^ - |2c| were also considered, 
including uniform and non-uniform black strings (29rl36j 
with the aim to elucidate their instability [37H39| . Other 
important classes of higher-dimensional exact solutions 
of Einstein's equations have also been studied recently, 
for ex amp le Robinson-Trautman and Kerr-Schild space- 
times [40l - |4a ] , extensions of the Bertotti-Robinson, (anti- 
)Nariai and Plebanski-Hacyan universes (46|, higher- 
dimensional FLRW-type |4?7H5l| and multidimensional 
cosmological models I20luffi| (see also references therein), 
specific solitons f24l l53l |54|. or various exact gravita- 
tional waves — in particular those which belong to non- 
expan ding Ku ndt family [55|, [56| , namely generalized pp- 
waves I57H63I (for a study of their collisions see [64]), VSI 

and CSI [65| spacetimes, or relativistic gyratons 

Fundamental general questions concerning the classifi- 
cation of higher-dimensional manifolds based on the al- 
gebraic structure of the curvature tensor have been clar- 
ified [z34zll) including generalizations of the Newman- 
Penrose and the Geroch-Held-Penrose formalisms Ul 

* podolsky@mbox.troj a. 

|80(. This paved the way for a systematic study of wide 
classes of alg ebraically special spacetimes in higher di- 
mensions [8ll484| . Investigation of asymptotic behaviour 
of the corresponding fields and their global structure, in 
particular properties of gravitational radiation, has also 
been initiated [85|-|99(. 

Nevertheless, in spite of the considerable effort de- 
voted to this topic, there are still important aspects 
concerning the nature of gravitational fields in higher- 
dimensional gravity that remain open. Any sufficiently 
general method which could be used to probe geometri- 
cal and physical properties of a given spacetime would be 
useful. In the present work we suggest and develop such 
an approach which is based on investigation and classi- 
fication of specific effects of gravity encoded in relative 
motion of nearby test particles. 

In fact, in standard four-dimensional General Relativ- 
ity, this has long been used as an important tool for 
studies of spacetimes. Relative motion of close free par- 
ticles helps us to clarify the structure of a gravitational 
field in which the test particles move. When they have 
no charge and spin, this is mathematically described 
by the equation of geodesic deviation (sometimes also 
called the Jacobi equation) which was first derived in the 
n-dimensional (pseudo- )Rie mann ian g eometry by Levi- 
Civita and Synge potilO^ . see 11041 for the historical 
account. Shortly af ter its application to Einstein's grav- 
ity theory |l05l - lll4l ] it helped, for instance, to understand 
the behaviour of test bodies influenced by gravitational 
waves or the physical fate of observers falling into black 
holes. Textbook descriptions of this equation, which is 
linear with respect to the separati on vecto r connecting 
the test particles, are given, e.g., in Let us also 

mention that generalizations of the equation of geodesic 
deviation to admit arbitrary relati ve velocit ies of the par- 
ticles were obtained in the works 119l4l28j |. Further ex- 
tensions, higher-order corrections to the geodesic devia- 


tion equation, their particular applic ations an d references 
can be foun d in the recent papers [T28l4T35l | and in the 
monograph [l!8j . 

In 1965 Szekeres [1141 ] presented an elegant analysis of 
the behaviour of nearby test particles in a generic four- 
dimensional spacetime. He demonstrated that the over- 
all effect consists of specific transverse, longitudinal and 
Newton-Coulomb-type components. This was achieved 
by decomposing the Riemann curvature tensor into the 
Weyl tensor and the terms involving the Ricci tensor (and 
Ricci scalar). While the former represents the "free grav- 
itational held" the latter can be explicitly expressed, em- 
ploying Einstein's field equations, in terms of the cor- 
responding components of the energy-momentum tensor 
which describes the matter content. In order to further 
analyze the Weyl tensor contribu tion, Szek eres used the 
formalism of self-dual bivectors [l36l Il37l | constructed 
from null frames. This enabled him to deduce the effects 
of gravitational fields on nearby test particles in space- 
times of various Petrov types. When these results are 
re-expre ssed in a more convenient Newman-Penrose for- 
malism [l38l Il39j | , explicit physical interpretation of the 
corresponding complex scalars $ a are obtained. In par- 
ticular, the Weyl scalar ^4 (the only non-trivial compo- 
nent in type N spacetimes) represents purely transverse 
effect of exact gravitational waves, the scalar ^3 (present, 
e.g., in type III spacetimes) is responsible for longitudi- 
nal effects, and *2 (typical for spacetimes of type D) 
gives rise to Newt on-like de formations of the family of 
test particles (see [l40k l42] for more details; inclusion 
of a nonvanishing cosmological constant was described in 

It is the purpose of the present work to extend these 
results to arbitrary spacetimes in any dimension D > 4. 
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we recall 
the equation of geodesic deviation, including its invari- 
ant form with respect to the interpretation orthonormal 
frame adapted to an observer. In section 3 we perform 
the canonical decomposition of the curvature tensor us- 
ing Einstein's equations and the real Weyl tensor compo- 
nents ^ a with respect to an associated null frame. We 
thus derive an explicit and general form of the equation 
of geodesic deviation. Section 4 analyses the character 
of all canonical components of a gravitational field. Sec- 
tion 5 is devoted to the discussion of uniqueness of the 
interpretation frame, and derivation of explicit relations 
which give the dependence of the field components on the 
observer's velocity. In section 6 we describe the effect of 
pure radiation, perfect fluid and electromagnetic field on 
test particles. Final section 7 illustrates the method on 
the family of pp- waves in higher dimensions. There are 
also 3 appendices: In appendix A we give relations to the 
standard complex formalism of D — 4 General Relativity, 
and in appendix B we summarize alternative notations 
commonly used in literature on D > 4 spacetimes. Fi- 
nally, in appendix C the Lorentz transformations of the 
*5>A scalars are presented. 


The main objective of the present work is to investigate 
and characterize the curvature of an arbitrary spacetime 
of dimension D > 4 by its local effects on freely falling 
test particles (observers). The gravitational field mani- 
fests itself, in Newtonian terminology, as specific "tidal 
forces" which cause the nearby particles to accelerate rel- 
ative to each other. This leads to a deviation of corre- 
sponding geodesies whose separation thus changes with 
time: in various spatial directions the particles approach 
or recede from themselves, exhibiting thus the specific 
character of the spacetime in the vicinity of a given event. 

In standard and also higher-dimensional General Rel- 
ativity, such a behaviour of free test particles (without 
charge a nd spin) i s described by the geodesic deviation 
equation (TooMTl^ 

dr 2 


where R ■ ot a v are components of the Riemann curva- 
ture tensor, u a are components of the velocity vector 
u = u a d a of the reference (fiducial) particle moving 

along a timelike geodesic j(t) = {x°(r), 




u ■ u — g a p u a u^ = 

the parameter r is its proper time (so that 
1), and Z^ are components of the 
separation vector Z = Z^d^ which connects the refer- 
ence particle with another nearby test particle moving 
along a timelike geodesic 7(1"). The situation is visual- 
ized in figure [TJ 

FIG. 1. In a curved D-dimensional spacetime, nearby test 
particles moving along geodesies accelerate toward or away 
from each other, as given by the equation of geodesic deviation 
(fl]). Here u is the velocity vector of a reference particle, and 
Z is the separation vector which represents actual relative 
position of the second test particle at a given proper time r. 

Equation <jTJ) explicitly expresses the relative accelera- 
tion of two nearby particles by the second absolute (co- 
variant) derivative of the vector field Z along 7(7"), 

D 2 Z» 



in terms of the local curvature tensor and the actual rela- 
tive position of the particles, described by the separation 
vector Z(t) at the time r. 

To be geometrically more precise, the two geodesies 
should be understood as specific representatives of a 
congruence j(t, z), i.e. smooth one-parameter fam- 
ily of geodesies, such that 7(7-) = j(t, z = 0) and 
7(r) = 7(r, z = const.). The proper time r and the pa- 
rameter z which labels the geodesies can be chosen as 
coordinates on the submanifold spanned by the congru- 
ence. Thus u — d T and Z = d z , and the deviation vec- 
tor field Z is Lie-transported along the geodesies gener- 
ated by it. Consider now the positions of two test par- 
ticles at a given time, for example V (located at z = 0) 
and Q (for which 2 = 1, say) at r = 0, as shown in fig- 
ure [TJ Their coordinates are related by the exponen- 
tial map Xq — exp(zZ) xf^, generated by Z at V ', where 
we set z = 1 to locate Q. If the higher-order terms are 

negligible this expression reduces to Xq 


demonstrating that the separation vector Z describes the 
relative position of the two test particles, and Z{j) gives 
its evolution that is obtained by solving the equation ([TJ . 
Such linear approximation improves when the second test 
particle moves very close to the reference one, i.e. along 
the geodesic z = const. -C 1, in which case the separation 
is described by the vector field zZ(t). 

It should also be recalled that the equation of geodesic 
deviation (Q} is linear with respect to the components 
of the separation vector, neglecting higher-order terms 
in the Taylor expansion of exact expression for relative 
acceleration of free test particles. It can thus be used 
when the relative velocities of the particles are negligi- 
ble, i.e. their geodesies are almost parallel. Generaliza- 
tions of equation ([JJ) to admit arbitrary rel ative velocitie s 
wer e obtained and applied in the works 1 19l4l24L ll 26l — 
Il28| . Further extensions, higher-order corrections to the 
geodesic deviation equ ation and their specific applica- 
tions can be found in fl30MT35l (for reviews and other 
references see jll8lll28lll3llll35| |). Our aim, however, in 
this paper is to investigate local relative motion of nearby 
free test particles which are initially at rest with respect 
to each other. For such an analysis, the classical geodesic 
deviation equation ([1} will be fully sufficient. 

Now, in order to obtain invariant results independent 
of the choice of coordinat es, it is natural to adopt the 
Pirani approach [105L Il06| based on the use of compo- 
nents of the above quantities with respect to a suitable 
orthonormal frame {e a }. At any point of the reference 
geodesic this defines an observer's framework in which 
physical measurements are made and interpreted. In par- 
ticular, the separation vector is expressed as Z = Z a e a . 
The timelike vector of the frame is identified with the 
velocity vector of the observer, e( ) = u, and em, where 
i = 1,2,. ..,£) — 1, are perpendicular spacelike unit vec- 
tors which form its local Cartesian basis in the hypersur- 
face orthogonal to u (see also figure^, 

Due to the fact that u is parallelly transported, for the 
zeroth frame-component Z^ = e^ -* • Z = —u ■ Z we im- 
mediately obtain 

^2^(0) D 2 Z M 

~Uu. ; — = -R mfiv u^u a u Z v = , (4) 

dr 2 

dr 2 

using the skew-symmetry of the Riemann tensor. There- 
fore, Z(°'(t) must be at most a linear function of the 
proper time. By a natural choice of initial conditions, 
consistent with the above construction of the geodesic 
congruence j(t, z), we set Z^ = 0. The temporal com- 
ponent of Z thus vanishes and the test particles always 
stay in the same spacelike hypersurfaces synchronized 
by t. 

Physical information about relative motion of the test 
particles is thus completely contained in the spatial frame 
components Z^ 1 ' (r) = eW ■ Z of the separation vector Z. 
These determine the actual relative spatial position of the 
two nearby particles. By projecting the geodesic devia- 
tion equation (JTJ) onto = en\ we obtain 

Z® = R 




where i, j = 1, 2, . . . , D — 1, and we denote the physical 
relative acceleration as 

D 2 Z _ (i) D 2 Z^ 
"dT 2 " ~ 6 " ~d^~ 


The frame components of the Riemann tensor are 
i?(i)(o)(o)(j) = R^apv e (i) u °' ul3e '(j)- us note that Pirani 
[l05lll0d | labeled, in D — 4, the frame components of the 
"tidal stress tensor" that occurs in equation ([SJ) (with 
an opposite sign) as K a b = i? a o&o = R a cbd u<: u d - They 
are equivalent to the electric p art o f the Riemann tensor 

Sab = RaObO = RacbdU C U d , See [HI]. 

Following Pirani it is also usually assumed that the or- 
thonormal frame {e a } is parallelly propagated along the 
reference geodesic. However, in our work we do not make 
such an assumption. In fact, as a key idea of the proposed 
interpretation method, we align the orthonormal frame 
with the algebraic structure of a given spacetime instead 
(see also section [Vj) . This makes the investigation of its 
physical properties much easier. 


Next step is to express the frame components of the 
Riemann tensor -R(i)(o)(o)(j)- Using the standard decom- 
position of the curvature tensor into the traceless Weyl 
tensor C a bcd and specific combinations of the Ricci tensor 
R a h and Ricci scalar R , 

Rabcd = Cabcd + jj 2 ( i9a [ c ^ b ~ 5fc [ c ' 

3q/3 £a e b = Vab = diag(-l, !,...,!) 


(D-1)(D -2) 

Rg a [ c 9d]i 



we immediately obtain 

%(o)(o)(j) = C(i)(o)(o)(j) + Jj—^( R (m ~ Si i R (0)(0)) 


(D-1)(D -2) 


Before substituting this into the geodesic deviation equa- 
tion ([5]) we also employ the Einstein field equations, gen- 
eralized to any dimension D > 4 , 

Rab — hRgab + ^ 9ab — 8lT T ab 


where A is a cosmological constant and T ab is the energy- 
momentum tensor of the matter field. Using ([9]) and its 
trace R = {8ttT - DA), we rewrite © as 

Using the notation of [93| , the components of the Weyl 
tensor in such a null frame are determined by the follow- 
ing scalars (grouped by their boost weight): 

*o« = C abcd k a m\ k c m d , 

= C abcd k a m\ m c } m d , f 1T< = C abcd k a l b k c m d , 
* 2 «« = Cabcd ml m) m c k mf , * 25 = C abcd k a l» l c k d , 

* 2 « = C a6cd k a l b m^m d 


* 3 «* = C a6ca Z Q m^ , * 3T , = C abcd l a k h l c m d , 

*4« = C abcd l a m b i l c m d 


where i,j,k,l = 2,...,D—l. All other frame compo- 
nents can be obtained using the symmetries of the Weyl 
tensor. The scalars in the left column are independent, 
up to the obvious constraints 

i? (i)(0)(0)(j) 



+ CVi 



D - 2 

T (i)G) _ 5 ij ( T (0)(0) + J^—j) 

The equation of geodesic deviation ([5]) thus takes the 
following invariant form 



Z® + C (i 


Z (j) 

T (i)(j) Z(l) - ( T (0)(0) 

L> - 1 


The first term represents the isotropic influence of the 
cosmological constant A on free test particles, the second 
term describes the effect of a "free" gravitational field 
encoded in the Weyl tensor, while the second line in (jTTJ) 
gives a direct effect of specific matter present in a given 

The terms proportional to the coefficients C(;)(o)(o)(j) 
can further be conveniently expressed using the 
Newman-Penrose-type scalars, which are the compo- 
nents of the Weyl tensor with respect to an associated 
(real) null frame {k,l,m,i}. This frame is introduced by 
the relations 


m,i = eu\ for i = 2, . . . , D — 1 




where u = is the velocity vector of the observer. 
Thus k and I are future oriented null vectors, and 
are D — 2 spatial Cartesian vectors orthogonal to them, 

k ■ I = — 1 , mi ■ rrij = 6ij , 

k ■ k = = I ■ I , k ■ rrii =0 = 1- mi . (13) 

= o, 

= 0, 

= 0, 

= 0, 

\I> 2 yk! 

= 0, 

= v I / 2 >[j'=i] = 



= 0, 


= 0, 


= 0, 


while those in the right column of (I14[) are not indepen- 
dent because they can be expressed as the contractions 
(hence the symbol "T" which indicates "tracing" ) 

^ 1T i = * 

^>2S= v E , 2T fcfc = 5*2 fci ' 


*2T«= §(*2*«* +*2«) 

where * 2 t(«) = |*2*k/ , * 2 tW1 = |*2« 

In the case D = 4, these Weyl tensor components i n the 
null tetrad reduce to the standard Newman-Penrose jl38l . 
139] complex scalars ^a- Explicit expressions are given 
in appendix lAl 

Using relations e (0 ) = -^(k + I) , e (1) = -^=(k - I) 
and the definition (TT4"|) . a straightforward calculation 
then leads to the following expressions for the compo- 
nents C(i)(o)(o)(j) of the Weyl tensor which appear in 
equation (fllj): 

C(l)(0)(0)(l) = *2S ) 

C(l)(0)(0)(j) = y= (*lTi - *3T^) , 

C(i)( )(0)(l) = -/= (*1T< - *3T0 , 




"2 (*o« ' 

2T( i J) 1 

where i,j = 2,...,D — 1 label the spatial directions or- 
thogonal to the privileged spatial direction of em. 


Putting this into (fTTj) we obtain the final invariant and fully general form of the equation of geodesic deviation: 

(D-1)(D-2) Z{1)+ * 2S Zil) + 7=2 ( * 1W " * 33 " } ZW 


T ( x) (1 ) z« + t (1)(j) z<*> - (t (0)(0) + r) 

(D-1)(D -2) 2T ' V2 2 V 4 7 


T ( . i)(1) z (1) + T (i)(i) Z«> - (r (0)( o) + 

L> - 1 

T Z 




This completely describes relative motion of nearby free test particles in any spacetime of an arbitrary dimension D. 
In the next section we will discuss the specific effects given by particular scalars which represent the contributions 
from various components of the gravitational and matter fields. 


Finally, we remark that our notation which uses ^a 
in any dimension is simply related to the notations em- 
ployed, e.g., in [zl [zl], in [zl, HH and recently in [79j . 
The identifications for the components present in the in- 
variant form of the equation of geodesic deviation are 
summarized in table HI More details are given in ap- 
pendix [B] in particular see expressions (|B8I) , (|B11|) and 
l|B18jl . 

TABLE I. Different equivalent notations used in the literature 
for the Weyl scalars which occur in the equations of geodesic 
deviation (fill), ED). 

refs. [72, 73| 

refs. [76, 81] 

ref. [JJ 

— Coioi 






— Coioj 








Let us consider a set of freely falling test particles, 
initially at rest relative to each other, which form, e.g., 
a small (hyper-) sphere. In any curved spacetime, such a 
configuration undergoes tidal deformations which can be 
deduced from the accelerations measured by the fiducial 
observer attached to the reference test particle in the 
center. The resulting relative motion represents the effect 
of a given gravitational field, whose specific structure is 
explicitly characterized by the system (fT5)l , (|19l) . 

First concentrating on the vacuum case, i.e. T a b = 0, 
the system of equations describing purely gravitational 

interaction simplifies considerably to 

z« = 

Z^+^oaZ^ 1 



7=2 ( * 1TI 

3T' ; 

z m 


The overall effect of the gravitational field on test parti- 
cles is thus naturally decomposed into clearly identified 
components proportional to the cosmological constant A 
and the Weyl scalars ^a ■ Of course, for algebraically 
special spacetimes some (or many) of these coefficients 
vanish completely, and even in algebraically general cases 
specific numerical values of the scalars ^a can distin- 
guish the dominant terms from those that are negligible. 
Let us now briefly describe the character of each term 
separately, including its physical interpretation. 

• A : isotropic influence of the cosmological back- 

The presence of the cosmological constant A is en- 
coded in the term 

( ZW \ _ 2A ( 1 Q \( ZW ' 

1 z(0 

(D-1)(D -2) 1 6, 

Z U) 



can be 


written in 

unified way 
£?M for all spatial compo- 
1. In parallelly propagated 


nents i = 1, 2, . . . , D 
frames, this yields the following explicit solutions 

A = 
A > 

At t + Bi , 
Ai cosh 

Z (0 

+Bi sinh 
A < : Z (i) = Ai cos 
+B[ sin 



2A ~ 

(£>-!) (D-2) 






where A u Bi are constants of integration. These 
are characteristic relative motions of test parti- 
cles in spacetimes of constant curvature, namely 
Minkowski space, de Sitter space and ant i-de Sitte r 
space, respectively, as derived by Synge [l02l Il03l ]. 

• ^4,3 : transverse gravitational wave propagating in 
the direction +em 

This part of a gravitational field influences the test 
particles as 

(fw) = ~\{l (z«)' (23) 

Obviously, this is a purely transverse effect because 
there is no acceleration in the privileged spatial di- 
rection em. The set of scalars forms a sym- 
metric (vE^ij = \E , 4ji) and traceless ( 1 i 4 k k = 0) ma- 
trix of dimension (D — 2) x (D — 2), cf. the last 
line in (TT5|) . so that it has \D(D — 3) independent 
components corresponding to polarization modes 
(see also [ll, [lH U^)- In direct a nalogy w ith a 
linearized Einstein gravity in four jll5l Ill6l ] and 
higher dimensions [86, 93], ^4^ represents the grav- 
itational wave which propagates along the null di- 
rection fc, i.e. in the spatial direction +em (in view 
of relations (TT21 there is fern = k ■ em > while 
km = k ■ e(j) = for i = 2, . . . ,D — 1). Spacetimes 
of algebraic type N (for which only the components 
^ 4 i3 = Cuij are nonvanishing [7^[73|]) can thus be 
interpreted as exact gravitational waves in any di- 
mension D > 4. 

• ^ 3T i : longitudinal component of a gravitational 
field with respect to +em 

Such terms cause longitudinal deformations of a set 
of test particles given by 

[ z« J V2\ * 3T . J { z& J ■ 1 j 

These (D — 2) scalars <I/ 3T i , which combine motion 
in the privileged spatial direction em with mo- 
tion in the transverse directions e^, are also ob- 
tained using ^ 3T i = ^> 3 k k i, where 4/ 3 ijk = — ^ 3 ikj 
and tyyjk + ^ 3 jki + *S> 3 kij = 0. Longitudinal effects 
of this type occur in spacetimes of type III and in 
algebraically more general cases. 

• ^2S, ^2T(«) : Newton-Coulomb components of a 
gravitational field 

The terms 

( f « ) = ( *o -* 2 ° rW) ) ( zw ) (25) 

give rise to deformations which generalize the clas- 
sical Newton-Coulomb-type tidal effects in D = 4, 

namely those in the vicinity of a spherically sym- 
metric static source. Recall that vE^s = ^t** 
(see (fl~6|) and (p~5)) for further relations), so that 
the (D — 1) X (D — l)-dimensional matrix in (|2"5)l 
is symmetric and traceless. These terms are typ- 
ically present in type D spacetimes, for which the 
notation = — $ and — ^2T(^> = is com- 
monly used [Zi, [7HH ill, see (IbTT]) . As shown 
in (|A6I) . the only nonvanishing coefficients of this 
type in four dimensions are the diagonal elements 
i* 2S = * 2T(2 2) = *2T(33> = -Re* 2 ■ 

• ^i T i : longitudinal component of a gravitational 
field with respect to —em 

The corresponding effect on test particles is 

{ zw ) V2 ^ * 1T , ) { z& ) ' [Zb) 

which is very similar to the acceleration caused 
by the longitudinal component ty 3T i , as de- 
scribed by (|24l) . In fact, it is its counter- 
part: it follows from the definition (Ti"4"]) that 
the scalars = ty 1 k k i (where ^S^jk — — SE^*^ 

and ^ink + "fpfc; + ^ihij — 0) are equivalent to 
ty 3T i under the interchange k ■<-» I. Since 
fcm = fc • em > while im = Z • em < 0, the 
scalars ^> 1T i represent the longitudinal component 
of the field associated with the spatial direction 
-e ( i). 

• VE'om : transverse gravitational wave propagating in 
the direction —em 

This component of a gravitational field is charac- 
terized by 

(fw ) = ~2 (0 *1 ) (z« ) ' (2?) 

which is fully equivalent to (|23|) under fc -H> Z. The 
scalars ^gij (which form a symmetric and traceless 
(D - 2) x (D - 2) matrix: * « = <f 0J! , * Qfc fc = 
0) thus describe the transverse gravitational wave 
propagating along the null direction Z, i.e. in the 
spatial direction — em. Superposition of gravita- 
tional waves which would propagate in both direc- 
tions simultaneously (that is an "outgoing" wave 
given by ^4^ and an "ingoing" wave given by V^o^ ) 
can only be present in spacetimes which are of al- 
gebraically general type. 


The canonical components of a gravitational field de- 
scribed in previous section are represented by the real co- 
efficients ^ a ■ These are projections of the Weyl tensor 


onto particular combinations of the null frame {fc, I, rrii}, 
as defined in (|14l) . They are spacetime scalars and in this 
sense the above physical interpretation is invariant. On 
the other hand, the values of 'Fa depend on the choice 
of the basis vectors of the frame. In this section we will 
argue that such a dependence corresponds to simple local 
Lorentz transformations related to the choice of specific 
observer in a given event, and that the natural interpre- 
tation null frame is essentially unique. 

Let us consider an observer attached to the reference 
(fiducial) test particle moving through some event in the 
spacetime, such as the point V in figure [TJ whose ve- 
locity vector is u. This timelike vector (normalized as 
u ■ u = — 1) defines an orthogonal spatial hypersurface of 
dimension D — 1 spanned by the Cartesian vectors en\, 
where i = l,2,...,D — 1. Assuming the spacetime is of 
an algebraic type I or more special, it is most natural to 
associate the corresponding Weyl aligned null direction 
(WAND) with the null vector fc of the interpretation ref- 
erence frame, see figure O 

FIG. 2. Natural choice of the interpretation null frame and 
the related orthonormal frame (|12p . (|13|) . Up to spatial ro- 
tations of rrii = efj), they are uniquely given by the velocity 
vector u of the observer and the WAND k at any event V of 
the spacetime. 

The privileged unit vector em, defining the longitudinal 
spatial direction, is then uniquely obtained by projecting 
k onto the spatial subspace orthogonal to u. This also 
fixes the normalization of k (to satisfy the first relation 
in (|12l) we require fe • u = — -^=). The complementary 
null vector I of the frame is then also uniquely given via 
the relation I — \J~2u — fe. It only remains to choose the 
transverse spatial vectors ep), . .., em-i)> he. m-i = &u)- 
As shown in figure [21 these must lie in the (D — 2)- 
dimensional subspace orthogonal both to u and em, so 
that fc • rrii =0 = 1- rrii as required by ([TBI . Neglect- 
ing possible inversions, the only remaining freedom are 
thus standard spatial rotations represented by the rota- 
tion group SO(D — 2) which acts on the space spanned 

by rrii, see the explicit relation (IC4[) presented in ap- 
pendix o 

For any spacetime of type N (in which the WAND has 
maximal alignment order) the null vector fc is unique. 
In spacetimes of other algebraic types (namely IIL, Ilj, 
L and D) different WANDs exist. These can alterna- 
tively be used as the vector fc of the interpretation null 
frame {fc, I, rrii}. Because the distinct WANDs can al- 
ways be related using the null rotation with fixed I, as 
given explicitly by equation (|C2j) in appendix [Cl it is 
straightforward to evaluate the "new" values of the Weyl 
scalars ^a using the expressions (??). Notice that the 
coefficients ^4^, which are the amplitudes of transverse 
gravitational waves propagating along fc, are invariant 
under such a change. 

Let us now consider another observer moving through 
the same event V with a different velocity u. Locally, 
this transition is just the Lorentz transformation from 
the original reference frame {e a } to {e a } for which 


where v\, . . . , vd-i are components of the spatial veloc- 
ity of the new observer with respect to the original Carte- 
sian basis em. This can be obtained as the combination 
of a boost in the fc — I plane followed by a null rotation 
with fixed fc, see equations (|C3[) and (IC1|) in appendix [Cl 
if we take the specific parameters 


B = , Li = 


where i = 2, . . . , D — 1: 

1 v^JJ-i 2 

i-E i= i «i 






Vi rrii 

I -Vl 


rrii = mi 



Indeed, u=A^(k + l) gives exactly the relation (|28l) . 
The corresponding change of the Weyl scalars can 
thus be obtained by combining (|C7[) with (|C5I) . which 


1 ~ 

= - 2 v / 21< 0l[3 A fc] , 


* 2 y W = fr 2yw _ 2^ (X^fcjy - + 4 (^[ftX^X; + * oj[! A fc] A 4 ) , 

*2S = *2S - 2\/2* 1Tl X J - 2>I'., A '.V , 
# 2 « = + v / 2*ife«X fe - 2v / 2* 1T [«X 7 -] - 4* oM i^O]X* , 
* 2rw = <& 2Ty + V2*p fcJ X fe - V2V 1T iXj - 2^ , k X k X 3 + * ^l^| 2 , (31) 

+4$ 1Tlj X k] Xi - 2 (* uu X k + VujnXi - ^kuX^X 1 + ^^ 3k \X\ 2 
+iV2^ Qlu X k] X l X l - 2V2V oHl X k] \X\ 2 , 

B § 3T « = * 3T , + V2 ^2'oX 3 - V2 (*S>2T k iX k + ^2SXi) 

+2 (2* 1T3 Xi - ^ lk ^X k ) X j - V 1T <\X\ 2 + 2\ 2v[',. . A •'.V / '.V, - v / 2# «X»|.X'| a . 
B 2 * 4 y = + 2V2 ($ 3T( ,X 3) - * 3(Ij)fc A fc ) 

+2* 2lfc3i A^A* - 4* 2Tfc(l A i) A fe + 2* 2T(I3 , |A| 2 - 2f 2 , s A% : A i - At> 2 H*X ]) X k 
- 2V2{2m im ,X j) X k X l + V imk X k \X\ 2 + # 1T(i J^)|X| 2 - 2# 1Tfe X fc X;Xj) 
+4* oW A fc A w A i Aj -4^ Qk{ ,X f) X k \X\ 2 + 4< 0I3 |A| 4 , 

where we denoted 

X, = BU = — ^— . (32) 
1 - Ui 

In particular, for spacetimes of algebraic type N, which 
admit a WAND of the maximal alignment order, the only 
nonvanishing component of the gravitational field is 
representing the transverse gravitational wave propagat- 
ing in the spatial direction e^y It immediately follows 
from (|3"Tj) and (|29[) that the transition to any other ob- 
server results just in a simple rescaling of the gravita- 
tional wave amplitudes 

i-E i= i «? 



If the new observer moves only in the spatial direc- 
tion in which the wave propagates, V\ > and Wj = 
for i = 2,...,D- 1. Then * 4 « = (1 - «i)/(l + «i) * 4 y 
which is smaller than If the observer's velocity ap- 

proaches the speed of light, V\ — > 1, the amplitudes of the 
gravitational wave disappear, ^ ^i, — > 0. Contrary, when 
the observer moves against the wave its amplitudes grow, 
and for V\ — > — 1 they diverge. 

by the invariant form of the equation of geodesic devia- 
tion (JTHJ) , (|19[) . Setting the cosmological constant A and 
all components of the Weyl tensor to zero, it reduces to 



D — 2 

T {im ZW+T {im ZW 

r W(D 

T (o)(o) I" jj—j 



D - 1 

T) Z {i) 


It will be illustrative to investigate some important types 
of matter usually contained in the families of exact so- 
lutions of Einstein's equations, namely pure radiation, 
perfect fluids and electromagnetic fields. 


Let us now consider the direct effect of specific forms of 
matter on relative motion of test particles, as described 


• pure radiation 

The energy-momentum tensor of a pure radiation 
field (or "null dust") aligned along the null direc- 
tion k is 

Tab — pk a kb , 


where p is a function representing the radiation 
density. Its trace vanishes, T = 0, and using (fl2|) 
we derive that the only nonvanishing components 
of T a b in the equation of geodesic deviation are 




considerably to 

Air p 

Equations (1M)) thus reduce 


In an arbitrary dimension D there is thus no ac- 
celeration in the longitudinal spatial direction eny 
The effects in the transverse subspace are isotropic 
and (since p > 0) they cause the radial contraction 
which may eventually lead to an exact focusing. 

• perfect fluid 

For a perfect fluid of energy density p and pressure 
p (which is assumed to be isotropic) the energy- 
momentum tensor is 

Tab = (p + p)u a u b +p g a b 


Provided the fluid is comoving, its velocity u coin- 
cides with the observer's velocity which is the vec- 
tor e( ) of the orthonormal frame. The trace is 
T = (D — l)p — p, and the relevant nonvanishing 
frame components are T/ \/m = p, Tmm =P and 
=pSij. The equation of geodesic deviation 
thus takes the form 


{D-3)p+(D-l)p ( 1 

(D- !)(£>- 2) 


The resulting motion is isotropic, the same in the 
longitudinal and all transverse spatial directions. 
For positive p and p, the fluid matter causes a con- 
traction, such as in the case of dust (p — 0), inco- 
herent radiation (p = -^5y p) , or stiff fluid (p = p). 
However, for matter with a negative pressure, the 
set of test particles may expand. In particular, if 
the matter is described by the equation of state 
p = —p = const., it mimics the cosmological con- 
stant A = 8irp since (J3HJ) is then completely equiv- 
alent to (1221). 

• electromagnetic field 

The energy-momentum tensor of an electromag- 
netic field is given by 


FacF b C 


■ gab F c d F' 



so that its trace is T = ^(4 - D) F ab F ab . The 
frame components of T a b which occur in expressions 
(1341) are 

T (o)(o) = ^ (F{q) c F (0) c + -F ab F ab ^j , 

J (l)(l) - 4^(1)^(1) -^abt ), 

T (1)W - ^ F (l)c F « C > 



T M(J) - 4^ ( F (i)c F U) C - 1 5 ij F *b F ab 

In this case the equation of geodesic deviation takes 
the following more complicated form: 

) \TiTij)\ 



t=^(f (1)c f {1) c ~f (0)c f {0) c ) 


(D-l)(Z?-2) ° 

F{i) c F(i 

F nh F 






$ij F a b F a . 


We observe that the clear distinction between the 
longitudinal and transverse spatial directions is not 
present, except at very special situations. Some im- 
portant particular subcases can be easily identified 
and analyzed, for example a null electromagnetic 
field for which the invariant vanishes, F a b F ab = 0, 
or purely electric aligned field in the vicinity of 
static black holes. 


We conclude this paper by demonstrating the useful- 
ness of the above interpretation method on an impor- 
tant family of exact spacetimes, namely the pp- waves. 
These are defined geometrically as admitting a covari- 
antly constant null vector field k. Such CCNV space- 
times thus form a special subclass of the Kundt space- 
times because the geodesic congruence generated by k is 
twist-free, shear-free and non-expanding. 

In [55[ we investigated general Kundt spacetimes in 
higher dimensions, admitting a cosmological constant A 
and a Maxwell field aligned with k (which is necessarily 
a multiple WAND). In natural coordinates the metric of 


all such pp-waves can be written in the Brinkmann form 

of geodesic deviation (|T8| and (fT9|) : 

ds 2 = gij dx l dx j + 2 a dx l du - 2 du dr + c du 2 , (43) 

where k oc d r and g^, e;, c are functions of the transverse 
spatial coordinates x k and the null coordinate u. The 
explicit Einstein-Maxwell equations can be found in [55[ , 
namely equations (115)— (118). 

For the metric (1431) the interpretation null frame 
adapted to a general observer which has the velocity 
u = r d r + u d u + x 2 d x 2 + . . . + x D ~ 1 d x n-i is 

8 r , 


I = (V2r - -^-) d r + V2iid u 
V y/2u> 

+V2x 2 d x 2 + ... + V2x D - 1 d x n-i , (44) 

m t = -r{eku + g k x?)m k d r 

-rn l d x 2 

where gki rn\ rrA = Sfj , and nontrivial components of the 
Weyl tensor are 

Crum- (jD _ 1)(jD _ 2 ) Si? ' 

Criuj- D _ 2 B Ri j {D _ 1){D _ 2) 

( r 




Cijhl = S Rijkl 

Cuijk — Ruijk 

Ciuju — Riuju 

D-2 (D-l)(D-2) 

s Rg i3 

s Re l 


{gi[k s Ri} 3 - gj[k s Ri]i) 

(D-1)(D -2) 

s Rgt[k9i] 3 , (45) 


( e [j S Rk]i ~ 9i\j Rk]u) 

(D-1)(D -2) 

S R e [j 9k]i > 



(c Rij 2e^i?^ u -|- Qij Ruu) 


(D- !)(£>- 2) 

s R(cg l3 - ei e 3 ) 

Using definition (fT4[) we evaluate the Weyl tensor (|45l) in 
the interpretation null frame (|4"4"]) . Lengthy calculation 
(with some "miraculous" cancelations) gives the follow- 
ing nonvanishing Weyl scalars which enter the equations 




so k I 

Rki m, m 



s RSi 


l "" J (D — 1)(D — 2) "" v ' 

( s R km x m + R ku u)m k , (46) 

mlu fZ n 9kl Rmu ) % U 

Rkulu ~ -jj ^ 9kl Ruu ) 

This is a general result valid for any pp-wave spacetime 
because no particular field equations have not yet been 

Notice that ^ 2 t^ — ^2T(n) ■ Moreover, in accordance 
with the relations Ql]) and (jTSj , * 2 s = *2T*= fc and 
1 $>< l k k = so that any pp-wave is traceless. 

The relative tidal motion of nearby test particles in 
general pp-waves will thus be caused by the combina- 
tion of the transverse gravitational wave (|23p propagating 
along k with amplitude \P4sj , the longitudinal component 
(PMl) of the gravitational field with amplitude \E , 3T i , and 
the Newton-Coulomb contribution (|25[) determined by 
the scalars vE^s and 1 $ , 2 T i i'- 



There is also the isotropic background influence ([22]) if 
the cosmological constant A is present, or the interaction 
(|4"T1) with the electromagnetic field. 

The scalars (|46|) which enter (|47|) combine kinematics 
(namely the velocity components x m , fi of the observer) 
with the specific curvature of spacetime encoded in the 
only nonvanishing components of the Riemann and Ricci 
tensors, namely 

Riiki = S R 




\ ( e fc, 

ik ~l~ 9ij,uk 9ik,uj^) 

<~ L ij\ 2 9km.u \ V[m,k\) 1 ik \ i^jra.u ~r ^[m,^] } •> 

- s r^.(e fe , u -ic fe ), 



Rij Rij ' 

W k (\9i3,u + e {jA )]^ k 

+g 3k g lm (gim.k e[i,j\ - \ghm,i9ji,u) - (lnV?),™ > 

Run = -W ic dh - W ic ,o){^V9),i (49) 

l) .1 


-\9 ij 9 U 9ik,u9jl 

g l3 g kl e[i yk ] ej.i 

where s Rijki and s Rj denote, respectively, the Riemann 
and Ricci tensors corresponding to the spatial metric gij 
only. The Ricci scalar S R (equal to R) of this transverse 
(D — 2)-dimensional Riemannian space enters, in fact, 
only the Newton-Coulomb scalars "I^s and 5 , 2 T i J ■ Inter- 
estingly, these are also independent of the velocity of the 

There is a big simplification if we restrict ourselves 
to vacuum pp- waves. As shown in [55[, the absence of 
an aligned electromagnetic field requires that the cosmo- 
logical constant A also vanishes, so that the transverse 
Riemannian space must be Ricci flat, s Rij = 0. In such 
a case = = ^2T» ■ Moreover, since R u = = R uu , 
the Weyl scalar ^> 3T i also vanishes and the gravitational 
wave amplitudes reduce to 

¥ 4 « = 2[ s R kmln x m x n - 

ZRkmlu + Rkulu U 2 ] 


Taking the simplest possibility of a flat transverse 

9H = % . (51) 

we obtain an important family of exact vacuum plane- 
fronted gravitational waves (possibly representing an ex- 
ternal field of gyratons [gg, 167} ) which propagate in 
Minkowski space. In fact, these metrics with 

S Rijkl 




2 ( e k,ij 


= |(e 

- C,y) + 8 


3[fc,i] e [Uj] , 

belong to the family of VSI spacetimes [63j . 

If the functions can be globally removed by a suitable 
coordinate transformation (in the absence of gyratonic 
sources) the metric reduces to 


ds 2 = Sij da; 1 da; 3 - 2 du dr + c(x k ,u) du 2 

In such a case the spatial vectors of the null frame (|44j) 
are simply m; = (i l /u) d r + d x i, and the frame is paral- 
lelly transported. This implies that the physical relative 
accelerations ([6]) are, in fact, ordinary time-derivatives of 
the components of the separation vector, Z^> = -^Z^ . 
Moreover, u = const, along the geodesic since there is 

r% = for the metric 

The scalar components of the gravitational field 
5"2f simplify to 


-u 2 c , 


Using (I49[) . the only remaining Einstein's vacuum equa- 
tion R uu = reads A c = 5 lJ c.ij = which explicitly 
guarantees that the (D — 2) x (D — 2) symmetric matrix 
of the wave amplitudes tt^y is traceless. The equations 
of geodesic deviation thus reduce to 

d 2 ZW 
dr 2 

d 2 Z^ 
dr 2 



exhibiting the transverse character of the vacuum grav- 
itational pp- waves propagating along em. In general 
there are \D{D — 3) independent polarization modes 
corresponding to the same number of free components 
of the matrix vE^ij . 

In particular, if the metric function c is a quadratic 
form of the transverse spatial coordinates, 


where the constant coefficients Ai must satisfy 






^4*3 is a traceless diagonal matrix with eigenvalues 
\l/ 4 ij = ~2AiU 2 . The amplitudes are constant, i.e., the 
corresponding gravitational waves are homogeneous. If 
the test particles are initially at rest [Z^'(t = 0) = 0, 


const.], equations of geodesic devia- 

tion ([55]) for (|55|) can be explicitly integrated to 



Zf c.b 

7 {i) 

COsh (\fA~i \u\ Tj 



A l > , 

A t < , (58) 

A> = 0. 

Therefore, in the transverse spatial directions with 
Ai > the test particles recede, while in those directions 
with Ai < they focus. There is also a possibility that 
Ai = 0, in which case there is no influence of the gravi- 
tational wave in the corresponding transverse spatial di- 

This results in completely new effects which are not 
allowed in classical D = 4 General Relativity for which 
i = 2,3 and the constraint (|57|) is simply A2 = —A3- 
Therefore, either a vacuum gravitational pp-wave in 4- 
dimensional spacetime is absent {A2 = —A3 = 0), or 
it generates specific particle motions in both transverse 
directions e( 2 ) and e( 3 ) (focusing in one of them). In 
higher dimensions, however, the amplitudes are coupled 


via the D-dimensional constraint A2 = —A3 — Xt^ 1 ^i- 
From the point of view of a detector located on a (1+3)- 
dimcnsional brane with spatial directions em, £(2)> 6(3) 
this would clearly exhibit itself as a violation of standard 
TT-property of gravitational waves (unless X)^!^ = 
which corresponds to a very special subcase). Such an 
anomalous behavior could possibly serve as a sign of 
the existence of higher dimensions (see also discussion 
of a similar effect within the context of linearized 5- 
dimcnsional gravitational waves |91j). 

It may also happen that Ak = for some k (in which 
case the metric function c given by ((5*6)) is independent of 
the corresponding spatial coordinate x k ) and thus there 
is no effect of the vacuum gravitational pp-wave on test 
particles in the transverse spatial direction bqa . Even 
the special situations with A2 = or ^3=0 are allowed. 


Let us co nclud e this work by quoting from the classic 
monog raph [Hi, page 35: "In Einstein's geometric the- 
ory of gravity, the equation of geodesic deviation sum- 
marizes the entire effect of geometry on matter." This 
is true not only in standard D — 4 General Relativity, 
but also in its extension to any higher number of dimen- 
sions. Indeed, we have explicitly demonstrated that the 
geodesic deviation equation, expressed in a suitable refer- 
ence frame adapted to the observer's geodesic and to the 
specific algebraic structure of a given spacetime, can be 
used as a useful tool for analysing and understanding the 
specific effects of the gravitational field in an arbitrary 

In particular, we derived the general canonical de- 
composition (USJ) , (JTj3J) of relative accelerations of nearby 
test particles freely falling in any spacetime. The grav- 
itational contributions, identified and described in sec- 
tion IIV1 consist of the isotropic background influence 
(f2"2")l of the cosmological constant A, transverse gravita- 
tional waves (|2"3")l . (|2T|) . complementary longitudinal ef- 
fects ([24]) , ([26]) . and the Newton-Coulomb component 
(|2"S")) of the gravitational field. The matter contributions 
were discussed in section IVI1 namely the influence of a 
pure radiation field (null dust) (f551) . perfect fluid (f3"5]l. 
and generic electromagnetic field (|4"Tj) . 

In the final section IVIII we also exemplified these re- 
sults on an important family of exact pp- waves in higher 
dimensions (admitting a covariantly constant null vec- 
tor field fc). Their nontrivial amplitudes are given by 
expressions (|4"""T[) . The vacuum VSI subclass of such 
Kundt spacetimes represents purely transverse gravita- 
tional waves propagating along the WAND k (in general 
associated with gyratonic sources). These exact gravita- 
tional waves have amplitudes 4-4»j determined by equa- 
tions (f50]). (|52l) . which form a (D - 2) X (D - 2) symmet- 
ric traceless matrix. Its \D(D — 3) components charac- 
terize the independent polarization modes. Explicit so- 
lution of the invariant equation of geodesic deviation for 

the metric function (|56|) is given in (|58| . Due to coupling 
between the eigenvalues of 4- 4.3 , such higher dimensional 
gravitational waves could possibly be identified obser- 
vationally in (l+3)-dimensional brane as a violation of 
standard TT-property. 

We hope that the presented general method of inter- 
preting exact spacetimes, based of the study of geodesic 
deviation, will help to elucidate the physical and geomet- 
rical properties of various explicit solutions of Einstein's 
equations in an arbitrary dimension. 


The work of J. P. was supported by the 
grant GACR P203/12/0118 and by the project 
MSM002 1620860. R. S. was supported by the grants 
GACR 205/09/H033, SVV-263301 and GAUK 259018. 

Appendix A: Relation to complex notation in D = 4 

In standard D = 4 General Relativity it is usual — in- 
stead of the real null frame {fc, I, m.2, m.3} — to introduce 
a complex null tetrad {fc, l,m,rh} and to parametrize 
the Weyl tensor by the corresponding five complex com- 
ponents. Thes e Ne wman-Penrose scalar quantities 4- ,4, 
first defined in jl38l | , are closely related to the real quanti- 
ties introduced in our text. Here we present a dictionary 
relating these two notations. In D = 4 the transverse 
spatial index i runs only over two values 2, 3 and we can 
combine the real vectors rrii into the complex vectors 

m = ^ (m 2 - im 3 ) , m = ^= (m 2 + i m 3 ) . (Al) 

Any real spatial vector V spanned on , m.3 can be 
parametrized by a complex number V via the relation 

V = V 2 m 2 + V 3 m 3 = ^(Vm + Vrh) , (A2) 

so that V — V 2 — iV 3 and \V\ 2 = (V 2 ) 2 + {V 3 ) 2 = VV. 

In four dimensions there are only two real indepen- 
dent components of the Weyl tensor for each boost weight, 

4-Q 22 = — 4-Q33 1 5*023 = 

4- 17*2 = 4-4.332 = — 5^323 , 
4-22323 ~ ^23232 — — ^2 3223 

— 2 ^2T 33 

= 4- 2S , 

4- 2 23 

= -* 2 32 

= 2 ^2T 23 

4- 3T 2 

= 4 3 332 

= -'3/3323 , 


= -* 4 33 


4-Q32 , 

^1T 3 — Wl223 = — ^1 232 , 
= — \E f 22332 — 2 ^2T 22 

— 2 ^2T 32 7 

^3T 3 = ^3 22 3 — — y/3232 , 

4-432 . (A3) 

These can be combined into five complex NP components 


[TH [HI defined by 

*o = C abcd k a m b k c m d 
^i=C abcd k a l b k c m d , 
*2 = C abcd k a m b rh c l d , 

^3 = C abcd l a k b l c fh d , 

*4 = C ab cdl a rh b l c fh d , 


According to (JTTJ) , the orthonormal components 
C(i)(o)(o)(j) of the Weyl tensor are 


*i = 75(*it 2 -i*it») 

* 2 = -|(*2 2323 +i*2 23 ) 
*3 = 7f(*3T 2 +i*3T 3 ) 

* 4 = * 4 22 + i ^ 4 23 . 


Notice the differences with respect to the notation used 
in [9^: here we have re-labeled all transverse spatial 
indices as + 1 to achieve that the privileged spa- 

tial direction is denoted as mi = em, and the scalars 
^2S, ^E , 2T i J are defined in (IT41 without the unnecessary 
factor 2. (Also, there is a missing factor | in equation 
(A. 7c) in [9j].) Inversely, we obtain 

* 22 = -* 33 = Re* , *o 23 = *o 32 = -InHfo , 
* 1T 2 = V2 Re^i , * 1T 3 = -V2 Im*i , 
*2s = 2* 2T 22 = 2* 2T 33 = *2 2323 = -2 Re*2 , 
*2 23 = -2Im* 2 , (A6) 
* 3T 2 = V2 Re * 3 , * 3T 3 = V2 Im * 3 , 
* 4 22 = -* 4 33 = Re* 4 , vI/ 4 23 = \f432 = Im* 4 . 





-2Re# 2 , 

+ Re*i - Rc* 3 , 

-Im*i - Im* 3 , 

Re * 2 - ~ Rc *o - ^ Rc * 4 , (A7) 



= Re* 2 


^Re V 4 

C(2)(0)(0)(3) = \ Im *o - - Im * 4 

Explicit equations of geodesic deviation ffTTT) in _D = 4 
thus take the form 


Z (1) - 2 Re * 2 Z (1) + ( Re *i - Re * 3 ) Z (2) - ( Im *i + Im * 3 ) Z (3) 


t (1)(1) z« + T (1)(2) + T(1)(3) - (t (0)(0) + 1 r) z* 1 

Z (2) = - Z (2) + Re * 2 Z {2) + ( Re *i - Re * 3 ) Z (1) - ~ ( Re * + Re * 4 ) Z {2) + \ (Im* - Im *4 ) Z (3) 


t (2)(1) z« + r (2)(2) z( 2 ) + t (2)(3) z( 3 ) - (t (0)(0) + 1 r) z^ 


Z( 3 ) = - Z (3) + Rc * 2 Z (3) - ( Im + Im * 3 ) Z (1) + i (Im* - Im * 4 ) Z (2) + - ( Rc * + Rc * 4 ) Z (3) 


r (3)(1) z« + r (3)(2) z< 2 > + t (3)(3) z( 3 ) - (r (0)(0) + 1 r) z< 3 > 

This fully agre es w ith the results presented in our 
previous work [l29j | (after permuting the indices as 
1 — > 2 3 — > 1, and changing the signs of all imaginary 
parts due to a convention different from (|A1I0 . 

Appendix B: Relation to other notations used in 

D > 4 

In the literature on higher dimensional spacetimes it 
is common to use alternative conventions for the null 
frame and the corresponding components. In particular, 


in the fundamental pap ers on algebraic classification of 
the Weyl tensor [72l.l73j the null frame {i,n, m,}, where 
i = 2,...,D-l, 

£ = m , n = mi , m 2 ,...,m D ^ 1 , (Bl) 

the metric is 

is employed such that 
'< • i' a b> 


2£( a «6) + 5*i T/'.'.'"'.' • I.e. 

•n= 1 
•<? = = n-n 

m, = = n • nij 


Following [72|, |73| , the Weyl tensor can be decomposed 
into the frame components 

Cabcd = 4 Comj n{ a m\n c m : ' d , 

+ 8 Coioi n {a £ b n c m d} + 4 C oijk n {a mlm 3 c m d} 
+ 4 Coioi n{JbnJd} + 8 C nj n{ a m % b i c rn 3 d y 

+4C Q iij n {a £ b m l c m J d} + C ijk i m\ a rn J b m k c rn l d y 
+ 8 Cwu £{ a n b £ c m d} + 4 C U jk f{ a m»^ 
+ AC lllj e {a ml£ c m 1 d} , (B3) 

where T {abcd} = \ (T [ab][cd] + T [cd][ab] ) is a useful notation 
representing the standard symmetries of the curvature 
tensor. The terms in the separate lines of (|B3J) are sorted 
according to their boost weight corresponding to the scal- 


n = A 1 n . 

m, = m; 


Using (|B2I) we immediately infer that the various scalar 
components in (|B3[) are explicitly given as 



t a m\ l c mj , 

' = 


£ a m\ m] mi , 


= Cabcd 

£ a 

n b £ c mi , 

Cijki = 



m i rrij m k m t 


= Cabcd 


n b £ d n c , 

Couj = 


na b c d 

£ n m i rrij , 


= Cabcd 



m. L n rrij , 

Clijk — 



n m i rrij m k 


= Cabcd 

a rib c d 

n £ n m i , 

Cuij — 



n m i n rrij . 


They are subject to a number of mutual relations which 
follow from the symmetries and from the trace-free prop- 
erty of the Weyl tensor, see 721 ]: 

Com 1 — , Coioj — Coij 1 , Co[ij k ] 
Quoi = Con 1 , Ciyki] = , 

1 /~Y k r 1 s~*l f~1 _ 

Mlj — —2 ik 3 ' 2 0!y ' ^Ollj - 

C\[ijk] = , C\i\ = . 



lij , 


Now, by comparing (|B2[) with our definition (|13|) it fol- 
lows that the two null frames (|B1[) and (fT"2")) are related 
simply as 




Putting this identification into (|B5|) . and comparing with 
(fl"4"l). we observe that 

*0« = 


Coijk , 

= ^ CoiOi 

w^jfcj = 

Cijki j 

= - Couj 

^2S = 

— Coioi , 

= —Couj 

tf 3 y* = 

~C\ijk , 

= Cioii , 

<&4« = 


Moreover, the relations (|B6|) are equivalent to the con- 
straints (|T51), (fH)l) . 

Also, inglM [ll, HI the notation 

^ijfe = \C\kij 

= ClOli , 


was introduced and employed, which is useful for studies 
of type N and type III spacetimes, and 


$ = c 010 i = -±cv j 

2"Coiij ) 

S _ 

1 /-« *: 

2 ^ikj j 


(where <I>^,$^,$ denote antisymmetric, symmetric 
parts of $ij and its trace, respectiv ely) which is con- 
venient for type D spacetimes [7^, H2 |99| . In view of 
(|B8[) we thus easily identify 

\t 2 «M = C^ki , 

V I' ; = 2 M-, , . 



Very recently, in the generalisation of the Geroch- 
Held-Penrose formalism to higher dimensions [79j . an- 
other convention was suggested, namely 

"ij = CoiQj 

{ -K, = Cuij 
$ijki = C^ki 





^i — CoiOi ) 

% = C wu , 

These scalars are straightforwardly related to the quan- 
tities used in the present paper: 

* Q1J = 

W \ijk = 

ty^ijkl = 

= -2 $ A - 

*2S = 

v I / 2T i J 

= ~®ij , 

y 3 i3k = 

_ ijk 




Appendix C: Lorentz transformations of the null 
frame and the changes of 

It is well known (see e.g. [z3, [iD, |93|) that gen- 
eral transformations between different null frames can 


be composed from the following simple Lorentz transfor- 

• null rotation with k fixed (parametrized by D — 2 
real parameters L l ): 

k = k, I = l + V2L l m l + \L\ 2 k , m, = m, + %/2 Li k , 


• null rotation with I fixed (parametrized by D — 2 real 
parameters K l ): 

k = k+V2K l m,, + \K\ 2 l , 1 = 1, m^m.+V^KJ , 


• boost in the k — I plane (parametrized by a real num- 

ber B): 

k = Bk, i = B~ 1 l, rhi = m,i, (C3) 

• spatial rotation in the space of (parametrized by 
an orthogonal matrix ^i 3 ): 

k = k , Z = I , rhi = $i j rrij , with $^ $ fc z 5ji = 5 ik . 


Due to (|13p L % — Li, K l = Ki and we employ a short- 
hand \L\ 2 = L l L u \K\ 2 = K l Ki. Under these Lorentz 
transformations of the frame, the Weyl scalars change 

• null rotation with k fixed 

- 2V2~i& 0ilj L k] , 

§a«w = *2«w -2%/2(L [; * lfc]l3 -L^jjw) +4(* 04[ *L q L J - + * (y[ iL fc] L i ) , 

*25= *2S - 2V2* 1T! L ,: - 2* «L i L j , 

# 2 y = ^ 2 y + -y/2 ^ lki] L k - 2-\/2 * 1X [iL,-i - 4* k[i£j] L fc , 
# 2T « = \& 2T « + V2 ^^kjL k - \f2^ 1Ti Lj - 2^ Ql kL k L J + * ^l^| 2 > 
# 3 y fc = $ 3 y fc + V2 2HjkL l — ~^23 k Li + 2L[j5 , 2T fc ] i ) 

+4* 1T yL fc] £i - 2 (* x *ii£ fc + * iy h£i - L ( + * 11Jfc |L| 2 

+4V2^ , [j L k] L i L l - 2^ Q%{3 L k] \L\ 2 , (C5) 
vj> 3Ti = vl/ 3TI + v^^yi^ - V2 {^> 2T kiL k + ^2sLi) 

+2 (2V 1T jLi - * lfcJI L fc ) V - t> 1T >\L\ 2 + 2V2~y 0jh L j L k Li - \/2 4- , 3 Z7|L| 2 , 
* 4IJ - = * 4!j + 2V2 (^ 3T( iL j} - * 3(li)fc i fc ) 

+2y 2 iki'L k L l - 4* 2Tfc(l L i) L fc + 2*2T(«) \ L \ 2 ~ ^2sL i L J - 4* 2fc ( lJ L j) L' £ 

-2V2 (2^ lk i ( ,L j) L k L l + V 1(tj)k L k \L\ 2 + y lT(t L j} \L\ 2 - 2V 1Tk L k L l L j ) 

+A^> Qk iL k L l L l L ] - A^ Qk{ ,L 3) L k \L\ 2 + |i| 4 , 

• null rotation with I fixed 

+2* 21fc ., ; X' £ if / - 4if (l * 2TJ)fc i<:' £ + 2* 2T(y) I if | 2 - 2^ 2S K i K j + W> 2Ki K j) K k 
-2V2(2^ 3k i ( ,K 3) K k K l + V 3i i j)k K k \K\ 2 + * 3T(l i^) |if| 2 - 2V 3Tk K k K i K j ) 
+W 4k ,K k K l K, l K j - W 4H ,K f) K k \K\ 2 + ^^\K\ 4 , 

+4^^^ - 2 (*3, M /ir fc + * 3 y^i - * 3 "^j)^ + *3«*l#l 2 

W^^iQi^ - 2V2~y ilU K k] \K\ 2 , (C6) 
+2 (2V 3T iKi - y 3kJ *K k ) K j - ^T'l^l 2 + 2V2 ^ k K j K k K { - V^^^K^K] 2 , 


*2S = *2S - 2V2* 3TI ^ 4 - 2* 4 , ti K i K> , 
>i' ; = >!' ; , 

• boost in the k — I plane 

= i? , * 1T > = 5 * 1T . , 

# 2<JW = * 2<JW , § 2 y = tf 2 „ , * 2S = * 2S , * 2T13 = * 2r y , (C7) 

§ 4IJ = B- 2 * 4I3 , 

• spatial rotation in the space of 

= $/ *i TP , 

^ 2I3fc! 

- ti>. n 

* ° 


$ fc p $ ; «* 2 „op 9 , 

= *25 , 


— $.° 


$ P 


W4P9 . 


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